Bye Boer offers a basic beekeeping course for the hobbyist or professional beekeeper that requires knowledge and or confidence to keep and maintain their own hives. This course consists out of an E-learning theoretical section and a practical field session. The field session can only be completed once the E-learning phase has successfully been completed.

The course covers the following content:

  • Introduction to Beekeeping
  • Starter kits
  • Beehives
  • Bee pests
  • The Bee Garden
  • Bee Products
  • Bees and the Law
  • Practical fieldwork session

The field sessions are done once a month at our two apiary sites. The cost of the course is R1500 per person which will include the E-learning section, field section and the use of all safety equipment during the training. This price also includes your DAFF registration. For bookings please visit: Height Safe 360 Bookings