

Chain of Love, Confederate Vine, Corallita, Coral Vine, Love Vine, Pink Vine, Queen’s Wreath, Rose de Montana, West Indian Mountain Rose

​​​​​Antigonon leptopus
Country of origin: Mexico and Central America.



Description: Height, spread, bloom
The Coral Vine is a rapidly growing, tropical climbing vine with tuberous roots. The vine is evergreen in tropical climates but deciduous in cooler climates. The leaves are pale green and somewhat arrow-shaped. The flowers are coral-pink clusters that bloom from spring to autumn. It may grow 2m in a season and can reach a height of 12 m.  

It sows itself and can be propagated from seeds, tubers and cuttings

Season for planting
Late winter or early spring

Requirements: location, soil, light, water, frost, warnings
It has been declared invasive in some places. The Coral Vine prefers warm temperatures and high precipitation. It will thrive in almost any type of soil. In warm climates, the vine grows and flowers all year round. It is cold-sensitive but quickly grows back from cold damage. It is tolerant of hot climates and poor soils.

Blooming season
It blooms from spring to fall and in prime conditions, it may bloom all year round.

Diseases and other problems
The vine is not prone to serious pests or diseases. Caterpillars may eat the foliage.

Water coral vine regularly during the first growing season to get the plant off to a good start. Thereafter, the coral vine is relatively drought tolerant and requires only occasional irrigation. Once weekly during hot, dry weather is generally plenty. Coral vine normally needs no fertilizer. Prune it every year in late winter or early spring to keep the size in check, then trim as needed throughout the year. Alternatively, just shear the plant to the ground in spring. It will bounce back in no time at all.

Benefits for beesThe flowers provide a very good source of nectar and pollen, it is extensively visited by honey bees producing light-coloured honey with a pleasant fragrance.