English Lavender is perennial semi-evergreen and evergreen in warm winter areas. The plant consists of slender upright stems each tipped with a blue-purple, violet, lavender, white or pinkish inflorescence. The velvety leaves are narrow and grey-green with a very pleasing typical fragrance when crushed or brushed against. It grows to a height of about 60-70 cm and spreads to about 1m.
Starting, it is best to obtain young plants from a nursery to plant in spring. It can be propagated in summer by shoot-cuttings without buds, clump division or seeds. Propagating from seeds is rather difficult. It needs little water and well-drained poor soil with at least 6 hours of direct sunlight. For a hedge, plants should be about 30 cm apart, and individual bushes 1m apart. It grows easily in a container.
Blooming occurs once in early to mid-summer and may last for several weeks. If pruned after blooming, a second weaker blooming season will commence.
Diseases and other problems:
It is susceptible to leaf spots and root rot caused by overwatering. Yellow leaves may be a sign of overwatering.
Water once or twice a week after planting until plants are established. Water mature plants every two to three weeks until buds form, then once or twice weekly until harvest. Prune established plants in Autumn in warm areas and in Spring in cold areas, when green leaves start to emerge from the base. Remove about one-third of the top to keep the plant from becoming leggy and bare at the base, but do not cut back into old wood, as it will not regrow.
Benefits for bees:
Bees are attracted to Lavender due to its sweet fragrance and vibrant colour. It is rich in nectar and pollen and bees can spend whole days in Lavender. Lavender honey has a distinct, pleasant flavour.